Player Characters

Playable Characters & Factions

Players will portray characters pulled from Greek myths and legends, including gods and primal deities, heroes, monsters and titans, who have adapted to life in the modern-day world. Though their power has diminished, they still retain the memory of what they once were, and many are desperate to relive their glory days.

Characters in Concord Olympus belong to one of five factions, but many have connections outside their faction, for good or ill. For more information about which characters are available for each faction, please click the links below.

Olympians - Deities - Heroes - Monsters - Titans

Connections & Recognizing Other Characters

Every character comes with a written background and multiple connections to other characters, both within their faction and without. These connections can be positive or negative, and may transform based on character actions during the course of the game. Players are also encouraged to make connections with characters not listed on their character sheets, and our Character Connections Workshop on Friday afternoon will help facilitate this process.

Because Concord Olympus is a pervasive larp that takes place over a footprint of approximately one square mile, players may be nervous about locating other characters once they’re in-play. To make this process easier, we are providing pins with specific colors and symbols that identify a character as a member of a specific faction. While these pins are worn, it signals that the character is in-play and is available to be approached by others. If the player wishes to go out of play, they may remove the pin, signaling that their character is no longer available for interaction. Once they put it back on, they are able to be approached once again.

Once the game begins on Friday evening, we will be using Discord to simulate text and cell phone usage (so players aren’t required to give out their phone number to others unless they specifically choose to do so), and will announce when and where planned scenes and events are occurring, to make it more easy for players to find them. Finally, each faction will have a specific NPC/facilitator assigned to them, who will be introduced in their Faction Workshop, and will be the official contact point for characters within that faction.

Gender Expression

Greek mythology is full of characters who change gender at will, or transform into animals or objects, whether for safety, to trick others, or as punishment. Because of this, characters can be any gender the player wishes, regardless of the character’s gender in the original stories. Aphrodite can be nonbinary, Odysseus female, or Calliope male, based on how the player chooses to portray them.

It goes without saying, but all character and player pronouns will be respected, so please make an effort to use them correctly. If you are unsure of a player or character’s gender, politely ask them for their pronouns and they will tell you. If you slip up a few times, don’t worry, offer a brief apology, accept corrections graciously and move on.

Character Casting Process

Characters will be assigned in August 2023, and full character sheets will be sent to players in October 2023. All players will receive a link to a casting form, where they will be asked about the type of experience they’re seeking, and which characters most interest them. Once all casting surveys are in, characters will be assigned based on player preferences.

We will take the time to try to match you with the character best suited to the type of experience you are seeking, but cannot guarantee that you will always receive your first choice. Certain characters will undoubtedly be more popular than others, and will have numerous players requesting to play them. We promise that each character is colorful and unique, and you will have just as much fun playing a second or third choice.

No Original Characters?

All playable characters for Concord Olympus have been chosen based on literary prominence, character background and their web of connections to other characters. We specifically want these characters in the game for utmost dramatic potential. Also, from a practical standpoint, creating a completely original character generates significant work for game staff, and we’d rather expend our energy elsewhere. Though we aren’t accepting original characters, we will do our very best to match you to the character most similar to your concept.